How to Join PMI

Membership makes the difference! As a PMI member you’ll have access to a vast collection of knowledge and career resources, local and global communities, and opportunities to grow and give back to the profession, plus discounts, rewards and perks. 

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BECOMING A PMI MEMBER? In addition to discounted pricing for professional development courses, members gain access to PMI publications and global standards, including the PMBOK Guide, as well as networking opportunities through and PMI chapters.

PMI MEMBERSHIP FEES: US$129 to join (plus US$10 application fee) and US$129 to renew membership.


How to Join PMI Finland Chapter

Increase your experience within PMI by joining the PMI Finland Chapter. It is easy and straight forward! Follow the instructions below and expand your reach in the PM community:

Step 1) Visit

Step 2) Click on Membership

Step 3) Select Become a Member

Step 4) Click Join PMI

Step 5) Create your username with password and fill your bio 

Step 6) Add Finland as your local Chapter. The regular fee is $20.00 per year and the fee for students is $0 (free)

Step 7) After paid, your membership is completed. Welcome!


If you are already a PMI member but not Chapter:

Step 1) Visit and login

Step 2) Click on your Dashboard

Step 3) On the left pane, click Membership

Step 4) On the right page, you will see your Membership Details box.

Step 5) On the bottom you have the link Join Another Chapter

Step 6) Follow the instructions, select the Finland Chapter

Step 7) Proceed with the payment